Downloaded eBooks can be checked in before the end of the checkout period using Adobe Digital Editions. Please note, eBooks can only be checked in using the desktop version of Adobe Digital Editions. They cannot be checked in when using Adobe Digital Editions on a mobile device.
Checking in eBooks in Adobe Digital Editions
To check in an eBook before the checkout period has expired:
Open Adobe Digital Editions on your computer.
On the Library View screen of Adobe Digital Editions, hold your pointer over the eBook you would like to check in and click the arrow in the top left corner.
Click Return Borrowed Item.
Click the Return button to confirm you would like to return the eBook.
The eBook is checked in and removed from your Library View screen and is available to other patrons.
Checking in eBooks in Adobe Digital Editions 2.0
To check in an eBook before the checkout period has expired:
Open Adobe Digital Editions on your computer.
On the Bookshelfs screen of Adobe Digital Editions, right-click the cover of the eBook you would like to check in and select Return Borrowed Item.
Click the Return button to confirm you would like to return the eBook.
The eBook is checked in and removed from your Bookshelves view screen and is available to other patrons.