I can't log into MyChaffey. What can I do?


Here is a short video demonstrating troubleshooting tips for logging in to MyChaffey. 

Also, be aware of the following:

User ID: Your user ID is your first and last name initials (lowercase) followed by your 7-digit, college-issued ID number (e.g. ab0123456). 

Password: Your initial password is your 6-digit birth date in mmddyy format. For example, if your date of birth is February 1, 2004, your initial password would be 020104. You are STRONGLY encouraged to change your initial password to a more secure password after you have logged in for the first time and have successfully set up your account.

Multi-factor Authentication

When you log into the portal for the first time, you will be required to provide either a mobile phone number or a personal email address to complete the setup of your account. The phone number or email address you provide will then be used to send you a one-time security code each time you log into the portal. In addition to your user ID and password, you will be required to enter that security code to login to the portal

If you are still having issues, Contact the ITS helpdesk by:

Be sure to give a detailed description of the problem and what you've tried to resolve the issue.

Information Help Desk link: www.chaffey.edu/its/

See also: MyChaffey Portal FAQ


  • Last Updated Jul 18, 2023
  • Views 650
  • Answered By Carolyn Oldham

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